You can find your materials here.
The tubes are from MDS, LCT and Marif.
The brush is from Blaze.
Thanks to the artists and the tubers for their hard work.
3 tubes
1 brush
2 fonts (Segoe Print is a standard font in Windows Vista and Windows 7)
1 background from Moonchilde.
My special thanks goes to Ali who gave me permission to use her wonderful work Cauldron Nebula.
You can find her artwork at deviantart.
Filter Mura’s Meister, Copies, here
Filter &<Bkg Designer sf10 l>here
You can download the demo-version of Alien Skin Eye Candy here
Filter Unlimited 2.0, here
Filter Xero, here
Preparation :
Put the brush and brush tip in the right map
(PSP X1 and X2: Corel_01)
Import the filter &<Bkg Designer sf10 l> in Filters Unlimited.
Take the arrow to know where you are in the tutorial.
1. File, New image, 975 x 650 pixels, transparent
2. Put the foreground color to ef6619 and the background color to ffa356
3. Make a new foreground / background gradient with your colors and use these settings
4. Flood fill your layer with your gradient
5. Effects, Distortion effects, Ripple, as follows
6. Open the image Cauldron Nebula Stock
7. Copy and paste as new layer
8. In your layer palette, reduce the opacity to 40% and set the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy)
9. Layers, Merge, Merge down
10. SHIFT + D to make a copy and put it aside.
You'll need it later for the background.
Let's continue with our work.
11. Layers, New Raster Layer
12. Draw a random rectangle and change the settings as follows
13. Effects, Plugins, MuRa’s Meister, Copies as follows
14. Repeat Effects, Plugins, MuRa’s Meister, Copies but now with these settings
15. Effects, Plugins, Filters Unlimited, Convolution Filters, Emboss (light, inverse) 191
16. Layers, New Raster Layer
17. Put the brush Blaze-deteriorated2_Grunge, size 420, in the left upper corner by clicking your left mouse button (foreground gradient)
18. Lock your foreground color, background color white
19. Activate the text tool and choose the font Segoe Print, size 800 pixels, type the capital S
en put it as shown below
20. Layers, Convert to Raster Layer
21. Effects, 3D-Effects, Drop shadow as follows
22. Open the image mds7979 Heart Cloud
23. Image, Resize, 170%
24. Copy and paste as new layer
25. Effects, Image Effects, Offset as follows
26. In your layer palette, set the blend mode to Soft Light
27. Open the image Marif_2007_07Juillet_misted_decor0194
28. Image, Resize, 110%
29. Copy and paste as new layer
30. Effects, Image effects, Offset, 210 85
31. In your layer palette, set the blend mode to Dodge
32. Open the tube will_they_notice_LCT_01_08
33. Image, Resize, 165 %
34. Copy and paste as new layer
35. Put the tube in the left bottom corner
36. Effects, Plugins, Alien Skin, Eye Candy 5, Impact, Perspective Shadow, as follows
37. Activate the text tool and choose the font Base4, size 130 pixels
38. Type KIPPY and put your text at the right place
Layers, Convert to Raster Layer
Effects, 3D-effects, Drop shadow, 5 5 25 5
41. Reduce the size to 20 pixels and type the other text
42. Effects, 3D-effects, Drop shadow, 5 5 25 5
43. Layers, Convert to Raster Layer
44. Image, Add borders, 3 pixels, white
45. Effects, Plugins, Filters Unlimited, Color Filters, Color Booster, 14
46. Open the background from step 10
47. Layers, Merge, Merge all (This is necessary, otherwise the following plugins won't work properly)
48. Effects, Plugins, Filters Unlimited, &<Bkg Designer sf10 l> Cut Glass BugEye as follows
49. Effects, Plugins, Filters Unlimited, Tile & Mirror, Distortion Mirror (horizontal) as follows
50. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, 3
51. Effects, Plugins, Xero, Fritillary
52. Image, Resize as follows
53. Lock your background color and put your foreground color to white
54. Draw a random ellipse with the following settings
55. Layers, Convert to Raster Layer
56. Effects, Plugins, Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact, Glass as follows
57. Now, go back to your work from step 45
58. Copy and paste as new layer in your background
59.Effects, Plugins, Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact, Perspective Shadow as follows
60. Image, Add borders, 3 pixels, white
61. Don't forget your signature and save as jpg.
This is an extra
example made by An Creatief. She found her inspiration in the spirit of Christmas.
Lesson Skippy was
written on November 28, 2010
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