You can find your materials here.
The tubes are from Magie Création, Monique42 and Hanni.
The brushes are from GhostFight3r
Thanks to the artists and the tubers for their hard work.
1 Background
3 tubes
3 brushes
1 font: Stereofidelic
Filter Mura’s Meister, Copies, here
Filter Alien Skin Eye Candy 5, Impact, demo here
Filter factory Q, Magnetic North, here
Preparation :
Put the brush and the brush tip in the right map
(PSP X1 and X2: Corel_01)
Take the arrow to know where you are in the tutorial.
1. File, New Image, 800 x 600 pixels, transparent
2. Put the foreground color to black and the background color to red (FF0000)
3. Make a foreground / background gradient with your colors and use these settings
Edit your gradient to make complementary changes
4. Flood fill your layer with your gradient
5. Layers, New Raster Layer
6. Switch foreground and background color. The foreground color is now red.
7. Load the brush dream_design_by_ghost_fight3r_1 and put it as shown on the example (reduce your worksheet to view the whole brush)
8. Layers, New Raster Layer
9. Put foreground color to white
10. Use the same brush again and put it as shown on the example
11. Reduce in your layer palette the opacity to 75%
12. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur 5
13. Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, as follows (-50, 50, 50, 25, black)
14. Switch the foreground color back to red
15. Layers, New Raster Layer
16. Load the brush dream_design_by_ghost_fight3r_10 and put it as shown on the example
17. Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow, same settings as step 13
18. Switch the foreground color back to white
19. Layers, New Raster Layer
20. Load the brush dream_design_by_ghost_fight3r_6 and put it as shown on the example
21. Use this brush a second time, but reduce the size to 665 pixels and put it as shown on the example
22. Merge, Merge All
23. Effects, Plugins, Filter Factory Gallery Q, Magnetic North as follows
24. SHIFT + D to make a copy of the image and put it aside.
You'll need it later for the background.
Let's continue with our work.
25. Lock your foreground color and put your background color to white
26. Draw a random rectangle
27. Change the settings in your tool options palette as follows
28. Layers, Convert to Raster Layer
29. View, Grid
30. View, Change Grid, Guide & Snap Properties
31. Zoom 250 % to see the guidelines clearly
32. Pick Tool (K), Modus, Shear
33. Move the right top corner 1 block down and the right bottom corner 1 block up
34. Remove the grid as we don't need it anymore: View, Grid
35. Effects, Plugins, Mura’s Meister, Copies as follows
36. Draw with your Selection tool (S) a selection around the right frame
37. Right Click on your layer palette, Promote Selection to Layer (Ctrl + Shift + P)
38. Selections, Select None
39. Repeat step 35 – 38 but change Shift X to 36 in the filter Mura’s Meister, Copies
40. Repeat step 35 – 38 but change Shift X to 22 in the filter Mura’s Meister, Copies
41. Effects, Plugins, Mura’s Meister, Copies but change Shift X to 15
42. Layers, Merge, Merge down
43. Repeat this twice in order to have all the frames in the same layer
44. Draw with your Selection tool (S) a selection around the second and third frame.
Make sure that your selection is large enough (see example)!
45. Effects, Artistic Effects, Magnifying Lens as follows.
Make sure the lens is centered on the left preview screen.
46. Selections, Select None
47. Use the Magic Wand Tool to select the first 3 frames, Match Mode on Brightness, Tolerance 100, Feather 0
48. Selections, Modify, Contract, 3 pixels
49. Open the background NVBG-transcendence
50. Copy and paste into selection
51. Selections, Select None
52. Again, take the Magic Wand Tool and select the next 3 frames
53. Selections, Modify, Contract, 2 pixels
54. Paste the background a second time into your selection (the background is still in the memory of your computer)
55. Selections, Select none
56. Once more, take the Magic Wand Tool and select the remaining 3 frames
57. Selections, Modify, Contract, 1 pixel
58. Paste the background once more into your selection
59. Selections, Select None
60. Effects, Plugins, Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact, Perspective Shadow, Basic as follows
61. Layers, Duplicate
62. Image, Flip
63. Layers, Arrange, Move Down
64. Lower the opacity to 33%
65. Choose the Raster Deform tool (D) in your toolbar
In case this tool is not on your toolbar, you can insert it by right clicking on the toolbar, Customize, Tools, Deform and drag it to your toolbar
66. Use the Raster Deform tool as follows
This is what you should have by now:
67. Open the tube AH_Transparent_0306_08
68. Image, Resize, 80%
69. Copy and paste as new layer
70. Effects, Image Effects, Offset as follows
71. In your layer palette, move this layer just above the background layer.
72. Reduce the opacity to 55%, Blend Mode Luminance
73. Open the tube Tubed_by_Monique42_3622
74. Image, Resize, 80%
75. Copy and paste as new layer
76. Effects, Image Effects, Offset with these settings: Horizontal 240, Vertical -5
77. Reduce the opacity to 70%, Blend Mode Hard Light
78. Activate the text tool and choose the font Stereofidelic, size 170 pixels
79. Background color #da4d12, Foreground color is still locked
80. Type your text and put it as shown on example
81. Effects, 3D Effects, Inner Bevel, as follows
82. Reduce the opacity to 55%, Blend Mode Hard light
83. Effects, Plugins, Alien Skin, Gradient Glow, Basic as follows
84. Open the tube Magie378
85. Image, Resize, 65%
86. Copy and paste as new layer
87. Image, Add borders, 25 pixels, white
88. Image, Resize, 75%
89. Edit, Copy
90. Open the background from step 24
91. Edit, Paste as New Layer
92. Effects, Plugins, MuRa’s Meister, Copies as follows
93. Effects, Image effects, Offset with these settings: Horizontal -10, Vertical -10
94. Don't forget to put your signature and save as JPG.
This is an extra example made by An Creatief
Lesson Transcendence was written on November 5, 2009
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