

For the materials, click here.

Some images I use are group-shared. If anyone knows of the artist, please let me know.

Thanks to the tubers and the artists for their hard work..

The tubes are from Dieter and Marion, Sischu, Tinou and Fredo’s Design.


5 tubes
font BickhamScriptFancy

Filter Graphics Plus, Cross Shadow, here
Filter Xero, Radiance, here, set 4
Filter Xero, Improver, here, set 3
Filter ECWS, Edge Fade, here
Filter Jeux de Ligne, Entrelacement, here
Filter VM Toolbox, Christal Ball, here
Filter Mura’s Meister, Copies, here
Filter Alien Skin Eye Candy 5, Nature, demo here
Filter Alien Skin Eye Candy 5, Impact, demo here

Take the arrow to know where you are in the tutorial.

1. File, new image 800 x 600 pixels transparent

2.  Put your foreground color to #CB0000 and fill the layer with it

3.  Effects, plug-ins, Graphics Plus, Cross Shadow as follows

    4. Effects, plug-ins, Jeux de lignes, Entrelacement as follows

    5. Layers, Duplicate

    6. Effects, plug-ins, VM Toolbox, Crystal Ball as follows

    7. Layer palette, blend mode soft light

    8. Layers, Merge, Merge down

    9. Effects, plug-ins, ECWS, Edge Fade as follows

    10. Take the bubble NVBubble2008

    11. Copy and paste as new layer

    12. Layer palette, opacity at 63%

    13. Open the tube mds7250stern08.11.07 and select the top layer

    14. Copy and paste as new layer

    15. Image, Resize, 45% Resize all layers not checked

    16. Effects, plug-ins, Mura’s Meister, Copies as follows

    17. Open the tube TUBES TINOU(22)

    18. Copy and paste as new layer

    19. Open the tube hiver_TubeFredoDesign-7122008-03

    20. Image, Resize, 130%

    21. Copy and paste as new layer

    22. Effects, Image effets, Offset as follows

23. Select in your layer palette the bottom layer

24. Effects, plug-ins,, Eye Candy 5, Nature, Snowdrift as follows


    25. Open the tube x-mas_4_star_lights_TbS

    26. Copy and paste as new layer

    27. Effects, Image effects, Offset, 223 – 0

    28. Select the top layer in your layer palette

    29. Open the tube Gra_a_br_1253

    30. Copy and paste as new layer

    31. Position the tube as shown on example

    32. Layers, Duplicate

    33. Select the bottom one of these two layers

    34. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur 97.00

    35. Select in your layer palette the top layer

    36. Lock the foreground color and switch the background color to #FEDD5A

    37. Activate the text tool and choose the font BickhamScriptFancy, size 100 pixels

    38. Type the capital C

    39. Switch the size to 40 pixels and finish your text (tracking 0,055)

    40. Layers, Convert to rasterlayer

    41. Effects, 3D-effects, Drop shadow as follows

    42.Effects, 3D-effects, Inner bevel as follows (color #FEDD5A)

    43. Effects, Alien skin Eye Candy 5, Impact, Gradient Glow as follows

    44. Image, Add borders (color #A62126)

    45. Select this border with the magic wand

    46. Effects, texture effects, blinds as shown below

    47. Selections, select none

    48. Effects, plug-ins, Xero Radiance, as follows

    49. Effects, plug-ins, Xero Improver, as follows

    50. Don't forget your signature and save as jpg..

Extra example made by An Creatief



Lesson Christmas was written on December 23, 2008


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