African Journey


For the materials, click here.

The tubes are from BrigitteMtM , angie and Lut.
Thank you ladies for letting me use them.

My special thanks goes to Jos Schoofs who gave me permission to use his wonderful picture dsc5705xg9, shot in Botswana.

4 images of your own
1 picture dsc5705xg9
2 backgrounds
1 mask
3 tubes
1 wordart
Filters Unlimited 2.0, here
Filter, Xero, Improver, here (set 3)

Take the arrow to know where you are in the tutorial.

1. File, New Image 1000 x 600 pixels transparent

2. Put the foreground color to #fbb34e and the background color to black

3. Fill with foreground color

4. Change foreground color to white

5. Layers, New Raster Layer

6. Draw a random rectangle in this layer and change the settings in your tool options palette as follows

7. View, Grid

8. View, Change Grid, Guide & Snap Properties

9. Zoom 150% to see the guide lines clearly

10. Pick Tool (K)

11. Mode, Shear

12. Move the right top corner 2 blocks down and the right bottom corner 2 blocks up

13. Layers, Duplicate

14. Layers, Arrange, Move Down

15. Pull the left top corner 3 blocks to the left with your pick tool

16. Repeat steps 13 to 15, 3 times more

17. Switch the Mode of the Pick Tool to scale and reduce each copy as shown (using the middle handle at the top).
Reduce the first copy 3 blocks, the second one 6 blocks, the third one 9 blocks and the last one 11 blocks.

18. As you can see, the other frames are visible at the bottom.
For that make a selection with the selection tool

19. and press on each layer the delete button to remove them.

20. Selections, Select None

21. Remove the grid as we don't need it anymore: View, Grid

22. Take the Magic Wand and use it as follows

23. Select in your layer palette the bottom frame and click in your image on the white border of this frame

24. Selections invert, Selections Float, Selections Defloat

25. Take one of your images, Copy and Paste into Selection

26. Select in your layer palette the layer above and click in your work on the white border of this frame

27. Repeat step 24 to 26 for each image

28. Insert the picture dsc5705xg9 in the top layer

29. Selections, Select none

30. In your layer palette, switch the Visibility Toggle of the background layer off, Layers, Merge, Merge Visible

31. Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow as follows

32. Repeat Drop Shadow but now with horizontal -3

33. Background layer visible again

34. Duplicate the merged layer

35. Layers, Arrange, Move Down

36. Image, Flip

37. Pick Tool (K), position the image as follows

38. ZOOM IN to correctly place the flipped layer

39. Layer palette, Opacity 40%

40. Select the top layer in your layer palette

41. Layers, Merge, Merge Down

42. Take again your picture dsc5705xg9

43. Layers, Load/Save mask, Load mask from disk, find your mask 179 with the following settings

44. Layers, Merge, Merge Group

45. Copy and switch back to your work

46. Layers, New Raster layer

47. Selections, Select All and Paste into Selection

48. Layers, Arrange, Move Down

49. Effects, Image Effects, Offset, horizontal 0, vertical 150

50. Layers, New raster layer

51. Open background E013043

52. Effects, Filters Unlimited, Tile and mirror, Distortion mirror (horizontal)

53. Adjust, Hue and Saturation, Colorize, as follows

54. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur, 5

55. Edit, Copy

56. Go to your work and Paste into Selection

57. Layers, Arrange, Move Down

58. Layers, New Raster layer

59. Open background BackgNVafrican, Copy and Paste into Selection

60. Selections, Select None

61. Layer palette, Opacity 70%

62. Layers, New Raster layer

63. Effects, Filter Unlimited, Buttons and frames, Glass Frame 2

64. Select the top layer in your layer palette

65. Open the tube Mtm_Dieren-96-

66. Image, Resize 50%

67. Edit, Copy, Paste as New Layer

68. Effects, Image Effects, Offset, horizontal -160, vertical 20

69. Layers, Duplicate

70. Layers, Arrange, Move Down

71. Image, Flip

72. Effects, Image Effects, Offset horizontal 0, vertical -295

73. Layer palette, Opacity 45%

74. Open the tube Lut Dame 13 4-10-2008

75. Image, Resize, 175%

76. Copy, Paste as New Layer and put it as shown on example

77. Layers, Duplicate

78. Layers, Arrange, Move Down

79. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur, 15

80. Open the tube animo_maj0408

81. Image, Mirror

82. Image, Resize, 70%

83. Copy, Paste as New Layer and put it as shown on example

84. Layer Palette, Opacity 40%

85. Open wordart AfricanJourney

86. Copy and Paste in your work, put it as shown on example

87. Layers, Merge, Merge All

88. Effects, Xero improver, 10-10-10 Landscape

89. Don't forget your signature and save as a jpg.


Extra example made by An Creatief


Lesson African Journey was written on October 16, 2008


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