You can find your materials here.
The tubes are from Kara, kTs, Maytika, Marif
(thank you ladies for letting me use them)
and myself.
6 tubes
2 fonts: Aquarelle and Harting
Filter Red Paw Media, Bleach Bypass Simulation, here
Filter LucisArt, here
Filters Unlimited 2.0, here
Filter Alien skin, Impact, Perspective shadow, demo here
Filter, Kiwi’s Oelfiter, Videowand, here
Filter L en K’s Mayra, here
Take the arrow below to know where you are in the tutorial.
File, New Image 800 x 600 pixels transparent
Put the foreground color to #e3e5ee and the background color to white
Flood fill with foreground color
Open the tube KaraT1289
Image, Resize, 120 percent
Edit, Copy and Paste as new layer
Effects, Image Effects, Offset, as follows:
Open the tube KTs_08j_24 copie
Image, Resize, 120 percent
Edit, Copy and Paste as new layer
Effects, Image Effects, Offset, Horizontal -225, Vertical 100:
Open the tube Marif_2007_10Octobre_misted_paysage081
Image, Resize, 80 percent
Edit, Copy and Paste as new layer
Effects, Image Effects, Offset, Horizontal 215, Vertical 160
Layers, Merge, Merge all
SHIFT + D to make a copy of the image and put it aside, you'll need it later for the background.
Let's continue to make the painting.
Open the tube Garçon_tageur
Edit, Copy and Paste as new layer
Effects, Image Effects, Offset, Horizontal -25, Vertical -85
Layers, Duplicate
Select in your layer palette the bottom layer of these two layers
Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, 5
Layers, Merge, Merge all
Effects, Plugins, Red Paw Media, Bleach Bypass Simulation as follows:
Effects, Plugins, LucisArt, as follows:
Effects, Plugins, Filters Unlimited 2.0, Image Enhancement, Sharpen, 170
The painting is finished. You can now open the copy you took at step 17
Open the tube easelNV0904
Edit, Copy and Paste as new layer
Select the canvas of the easel with the magic wand.
Now, copy the painting from step 27 and paste into your selection
Effects, Plugins, Alien skin, Eye Candy 5 Impact, Perspective shadow, Basic, as follows, foreground color #e3e5ee
Layers, New Raster layer
Selections, Select all
Selections, Modify, Contract, 50 pixels
Selections, Invert and flood fill this selection with white
Reduce in your layer palette the opacity to 35 percent
Rename this layer to Border
Layers, New raster layer
Selections, Select all
Selections, Modify, Select selection borders, Inside 10
and flood fill this border with white
Selections, Select all
Selections, Modify, Contract, 50 pixels
Selections, Modify, Select selection borders, Inside 10 and flood fill with white
Rename this layer to Border 2
Selections, Select none
Select in your layer palette the layer with your easel
Layers, Arrange, Bring to Top
Open the tube paintersNV0904
Edit, Copy and paste as new layer
Effects, Image effects, Offset, Horizontal -120, Vertical -120
Select in your layer palette the layer Border
Effects, Plugins, Kiwi’s oelfilter, Videowand, as follows:
Effects, Plugins, L en K Mayra, as follows:
Select in your layer palette the layer Border 2
Layers, Merge, Merge down
Take the freehand selection and make a selection of the part of the bridge hidden by the frame
Note: Reduce the opacity of the border to make a better selection
Hit delete
Selections, Select none
Select in your layer palette the top layer
Layers, New raster layer
Lock your foreground color
Activate the text tool and choose the font Aquarelle, size 140 pixels
Type your text (Remember) and put it as shown on example
Layers, Convert to raster layer
Effects, 3D-Effects, Drop shadow as follows
Change the background color to black
Activate the text tool again, choose the font Harting, size 26 pixels and type the second text
Layers, Convert to raster layer
Effects, Plugins, Alien Skin, Impact, Gradient Glow, Basic as follows
Layers, Merge, Merge all
Don't forget to put your signature and save as jpg.
This is an extra
example made by An Creatief
Lesson A day to remember was written on April 16, 2009.
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