You can find your materials here.
The tubes are from Chrismist and Bichito.
The brushes are from GhostFight3r and GlamurGrl
Thanks for letting me use them.
2 tubes
2 brushes
2 selections
1 mask
2 fonts: JohnLennon and Pointed
Filter Unplugged tools, here
You can download the demo-versie from Alien Skin Eye Candy 5, Impact here
Filter Unlimited 2.0, here
Filter L&K Mayra, here
Filter DSB Flux, here
Filter Xero, here
Preparation :
Put the brush and the brush tip in the right map
(PSP X1 and X2: Corel_01),
put the selections in the right map
(PSP X1 and X2: Corel_12),
and also the mask in the right map
(PSP X1 en X2: Corel_07)
Take the arrow to know where you are in the tutorial.
1. File, New image, 900 x 600 pixels, transparent
2. Choose the gradient Duotone bright green (Corel_06_003) from your gradient list
3. Flood fill your layer with your gradient
4. Effecten, Plugins, Filter Unlimited 2.0, Distortion Filters, Whirl
5. SHIFT + D to make a copy of the image and put it aside.
You'll need it later for the background.
Let's continue with our work to make the cube.
6. Put the foreground color to red (FF0000) and the background color to black
7. Layers, New raster layer
8. Draw a random rectangle
9. Change the settings in your tool options palette as follows
10. Duplicate this layer 2 times
Rename these layers Square 1, Square 2 and Square 3
11. View, Grid
12. View, Change Grid, Guide & Snap Properties as follows
13. Select Square 3 in your layer palette: Pick Tool (K), put in your Tool Options Palette position X to 182
14. Select Square 2 in your layer palette: Pick Tool (K), put in your Tool Options Palette position Y to 0
This is what you should have by now:
15. Select the upper layer in your layer palette
16. Layers, New Raster layer
17. Switch foreground and background color
18. Again, draw a random rectangle
19. Change in your Tool Options Palette the settings as follows:
20. Duplicate this layer twice
21. Select in your layer palette the first copy
22. Pick Tool (K), put in your Tool Options Palette position X to 550
23. Select the second copy: Pick Tool (K), put in your Tool Options Palette position X to 641
24. Layers, Merge, Merge Down
25. Repeat Layers, Merge, Merge Down
26. Layers, Duplicate
27. Pick Tool (K), put in your Tool Options Palette position Y to 369
28. Layers, Duplicate
29. Pick Tool (K), put in your Tool Options Palette position Y to 459
30. Layers, Merge, Merge Down
31. Repeat Layers, Merge, Merge Down
32. Duplicate this layer twice
Rename these layers Color 1, Color 2 and Color 3
33. Select Color 3 in your Layer Palette: Pick Tool (K), put in your Tool Options Palette position X to 186
34. Select Color 2 in your Layer Palette: Pick Tool (K), put in your Tool Options Palette position Y op 4
This is what you should have by now:
35. As we want to make a Rubik's Cube, we'll colorize
(layer by layer and color by color ! )
the squares. Magic Wand tool as follows:
Flood fill With the color of your choice as follows
I used these colors:
Yellow: #ffff3f, Bleu: #0175bb, White: #ffffff
36. In your layer palette, move the colored layers just above the corresponding layer with the black square
Your layer palette looks like this:
37. Merge each color layer with its black square layer (Layers, Merge, Merge down)
38. View, Change Grid, Guide & Snap Properties as follows
39. Pick Tool (K), Modus, Free and select Square 3 in your layer palette
40. Move the left bottom corner 2 blocks to the right and 5 blocks up
41. Move the left upper corner 2 blocks to the right and 4 blocks up
42. In your layer palette select Square 1
43. Move the right bottom corner 2 blocks to the left and 5 blocks up
44. Move the right upper corner 2 blocks to the left and 4 blocks up
45. In your layer palette select Square 2
46. Put the right bottom corner and the left upper corner at the right position
(zoom so you can work properly and let these corners connect to the other ones)
This is what you should have by now:
47. Move the right top corner 3 blocks down and drag it to the middle of your cube
48. Match the bottom corner with the rest of your cube
49. Remove the grid as we don't need it anymore: View, Grid
50. In your layer palette, select square 3 and merge the layers of your cube:
Layers, Merge, Merge Down
repeat Layers, Merge, Merge Down
51. Image, Resize 80 %, All layers not checked
52. Effects, Image Effects, offset as follows
53. Rename this Layer Cube 1
54. Layers, Duplicate en rename this layer Cube 2
55. Duplicate the Layer once again and rename this layer Cube 3
56. Effects, Edge Effects, Enhance
57. Effects, Plugins, Unplugged Tools, Spotlight, as follows
58. In your layer palette, select Cube 2
59. Effects, Plugins, Eye Candy 5, Impact, Perspective Shadow, Drop Shadow Blurry, Basic as follows:
60. In your layer palette, select Cube 1
61. Image, Flip
62. Effects, Image Effects, Offset with these settings
63. Layers, Load/Save Mask, Load Mask From Disk and find your masker NVfadingmask1 with settings:
Source Luminance, Fit to canvas, Hide all mask
64. Layers, Merge, Merge group
65. Select the background layer
66. Selections, Load/Save Selection, Load Selection from disk
67. Find the selection NVCube001
68. Effects, Plugins, L en K landksiteofwonders, L en K’s Mayra with these settings
69. Selections, Load/Save Selection, Load Selection from disk
70. Find the selection NVCube002
Effects, Plugins, DSB Flux, Mosaic ripple as follows
72. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur 4
73. Selections, Select None
74. Open the tube Chrismist_Armor-1024
75. Image, Resize 125%
76. Copy and paste as new layer
77. Effects, Image Effects, Offset, Horizontal -100, Vertical 35
78. Reduce the opacity to 40%, Blend Mode Luminance
79. Layers, New Raster Layer
80. Switch the foreground color back to your gradient
81. Load the brush dream_design_by_ghost_fight3r_3 and put it as shown on the example
(reduce your worksheet to view the whole brush), size 760.
82. Layers, New Raster Layer
83. Take the brush GlamurGrl_conversion_blocked_set1_tippy001 and put it as shown on the example
(reduce your worksheet to view the whole brush), size 850
84. Effects, 3d-Effects, Drop Shadow as follows
85. Open the tube ke_bonita_bicharita_por_barullo
86. Image, Resize 85%
87. Copy and paste as new layer
88. Effects, Image Effects, Offset, Horizontal 180, Vertical 0
89. Effects, Plugins, Eye Candy 5, Impact, Perspective Shadow, Drop Shadow Blurry,
Basic as follows
90. Effects, Plugins, Xero Porcelain, with these settings
91. Lock your foreground color, Background color #c3f92b
92. Activate the text tool and choose the font JohnLennon, size 120 pixels and type “the”
93. Image, Free Rotate, Left, 90°
94. Choose the font Pointed, size 170 pixels and type “Cube”
95. Move the text to the right place and merge both text layers
96. Effects, 3D-effects, Drop Shadow, 2 2 100 15
97. Layers, Merge, Merge All
98. Image, Resize 85%
99. Copy and paste as new layer on the background from step 5
100. Effects, Plugins, Alien Skin Eye Candy 5, Impact, Gradient glow, outside glow, Basic as follows
In your layer palette, select the background layer
102. Effects, Plugins, Xero Fritillary
103. Don't forget your signature and save as JPG.
This is an extra example made by An Creatief
Lesson The Cube was written on April 22, 2010
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